Hiking has been one of my favorite activities since childhood. Walking along a path and seeing tracks left by people or animals often stirred my imagination. I examined them wondering, when were they here? What did the person or animal look like? Where were they going? Are they still close by? Skilled trackers fascinate me. Their ability to read and interpret these impressions made in nature is amazing!
Quite often these impressions are temporary. Like footprints on a sandy desert path, many things can obscure or erase them; wind, rain, other prints overlaying them. Even the most skilled tracker is thwarted in their efforts as these impressions fade away.
There are a variety of impressions in our dealings with people. First impressions – drawn from an initial, often superficial observation, frequently change as evidence to the contrary becomes known. A miscommunication could result in giving someone the wrong impression. On the positive side one could leave a good, or favorable impression upon someone.
Then there are the more enduring impressions that could be either good or bad. One could leave a lasting, or permanent impression. Like an engraving on a rock, a permanent impression is not easily altered or removed. It offers evidence that can be read and interpreted for a long time.
This brings me to the point of my post. Today marks 37 years of marriage to my wonderful wife! Together we have made all sorts of impressions on other people, on nature, and most significantly, on one another. She has made (and is still making) a permanent impression of the best kind on me. One that will bear enduring evidence to how profoundly she has loved me. Susan, you continue to impress me!